The Peace Caravan - Press Release 7/5/2015

May 07, 2015

<h2>NADOME MASSACRE</h2>We the professionals from Turkana, Samburu, Baringo, Marsabit, West Pokot, Laikipia and Isiolo counties united for peace,..

The Peace Caravan - Press Release 7/5/2015


We the professionals from Turkana, Samburu, Baringo, Marsabit, West Pokot, Laikipia and Isiolo counties united for peace, condemn in the strongest terms possible the Nadome massacre and other killings in Samburu and Marsabit. We are disheartened in the manner by which this massacre was carried out where women and children were the most affected. Our heartfelt condolences go to our people in Nadome, Marsabit and Samburu. We say this is unacceptable and especially where a government exists that is mandated by the constitution to protect its citizens. The killings have gone on while the government is watching silently. We fail to understand how a government with enough machinery has been unable to restore order among these communities; if indeed the lives of pastoralists are as important as those for others, because we have been made to believe the contrary, why then isn't the government taking action to end these conflicts. No one deserves to die in this manner. With humility as peacemakers, we call upon our communities to ceasefire and embrace peace. We ask all players – churches, CSOs, local and political leaders, the media and everyone else to come in and assist restore peace among these communities. As members of the Peace Caravan, we know the dividends that come with peace and we therefore urge our communities to embrace peace so that we can benefit fully from devolution. We appreciate the fact that God and Nature made us neighbours and nothing is about to change except for us to embrace one another as brothers, sisters and good neighbours. United as professionals in the Peace Caravan and members of these communities, we propose the following;
  1. That the government restores order in these counties
  2. That the government identifies and makes known the original boundaries to put to rest the issue of boundaries
  3. That the government deploys armed forces permanently to the conflict prone borders
  4. That leaders start to dialogue for unity and peace for the sake of the communities
  5. That those inciting and the perpetrators of violence are brought to book
  6. That the government borrows lessons from Uganda on disarmament and military deployment, to have camps every 10 sq. KMs along the conflict borders
  7. That cattle rustling to be classified as crime punishable by law
  8. That peace building structures in the grassroots are strengthened
  9. That the national and county governments collaborate in security and peace issues for the sake of the people.
  10. That the national government provides security first, then second, carries out fair disarmament among all the warring communities
As members of the Peace Caravan, we reiterate our commitment to working and relating well to one another so as to bring our communities together for peaceful co-existence for their betterment and the betterment of our country. THANK YOU!
A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. Colin Powell Quote of the Day